Monday, April 2, 2018

Beauty and the Beach

Water has helped shape the earth. It has formed intricate caverns of cathedrals with it's own buttresses and columns, as well as carving out gaping canyons. Water is constantly creating complex designs, interesting works of art, if only we take the time to observe our surroundings.

Not long ago, I was visiting one of the beaches around St. Augustine, Florida. Overwhelmed at the beauty I saw around me, I had to capture it.

Friday, March 23, 2018

Long Time no See

It's been a while. To this I apologize. I was taking a hiatus from photography for a couple of years, as can plainly be seen. But that trigger finger upon the camera button and a heart that yearned to capture beauty couldn't be contained for long. To create, to inspire, to express myself, these are just as much of necessities to me as eating, drinking, and breathing. So, yes, there will be more photography and new posts coming your way. To those who are still following me after all these years, I apologize for the delay. You are all the best. Within the next couple of weeks I will be posting new photos with thoughts about the different subject matter. But until then here is one photo.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Fire Goddesses and Dreams

It was my first time shooting night time photos using fire. I didn't know what to expect, though the idea intrigued me. I am grateful, though, that I had the help of another photographer by the name of Shaheed Peters. He was able to give me a lot of good pointers and tips. As for them models. They were stars themselves. We were so proud of the time we had together, that the four of us all went in to the restaurant afterwards for a drink.

I find it interesting, and beautiful, the way the photos turned out. They have a dream-like quality to them. Some of them even have an almost east Indian look to them with the many arms and hands. Overall, I feel the images possess a sense of mystery.

At a Nudist Resort Again

At the resort again.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

A Sudden Burst of Inspiration: Palm Trees

There was a time I was really feeling despondent, like life didn't really matter. No matter what I did, I just couldn't be happy. However, one morning that changed when I was stepping out my old complex getting ready to go to my old job. I noticed a ray of light bathing the palm trees in the morning. To say I was ecstatic was an understatement. I felt as though God's fingers were touching the earth. I didn't care if I was a little late to work. I had to get my camera out and capture the moment.

This wasn't the first time I took photos of palms. These were taken a couple years back.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Flowers, Flowers, Everywhere

Flowers are one of my favorite subjects to photograph. They come in so many different shapes and colors. I couldn't imagine a world without flowers. The above photos holds a special place in my heart, as it's the first flower photo I ever took, back when I lived in New Mexico. Many of the other flower photos on this post are from when I lived in Utah. When they say stop and smell the flowers, it's wise to do so. So often we are so caught up in our mundane lives, trying to rush to work or go out for recreational activities, that we forget to notice the inherent beauty around us. Take a break from your busy life, be mindful of your surrounds, and look at the flowers. You may just be awed. Speaking of being observant. Do you notice anything interesting about the rose flower below?